Avatar: The Last Airbender in Concert presents an live orchestral rendition of the series’ iconic soundtrack, paired with a nearly two-hour special recap of the animated series’ three seasons displayed on a full-size cinema screen. The projection will feature the original dialogue and sound effects without any pre-recorded music, allowing the live orchestra to perform the legendary score live and in perfect sync with the show scenes. The result? A truly immersive and grandiose concert experience that breathes new life into Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Just as “Avatar: The Last Airbender” masterfully blends Chinese culture with anime and American cartoon styles, an orchestra especially handpicked for this event will harmoniously combine Eastern and Western musical traditions – a symphonic fusion that faithfully reflects the signature sound of the Avatar saga. Taiko drums and erhus will share the spotlight with violins and clarinets, while the series’ fan-favorite scenes are presented in chronological order on the film screen, breathing life into Aang’s liberating quest in an epic and authentic way.
Running Time: 2 hours 20 minutes, including an intermission of 20 minutes. The performance will comprise an initial 80-minute segment, encompassing seasons 1 and 2 of the series, followed by a 40-minute presentation on season 3, and concluding with a 4-minute encore performance (Secret Tunnel).
Age Restrictions: There are no specific age limitations.
VIP Packages are available for purchase here. This is a separate upgrade that must be purchased in advance in addition to a show ticket.